Always FREE shipping in the US! We give back to organizations that help those affected by domestic abuse.

The Story of Mismatched Socks Company Bisoxual


Jen, our fearless leader (she added that part), has never been one to wear shoes all day. Almost immediately every morning, she kicks off her shoes and displays her socks. They are NEVER matching. Her former business partner got to calling her "bisoxual" and the name sparked some creativity. Conversations started happening. Domains were bought. Business ideas were tossed around.

There was also something else that needed to happen. Jen's best friend had recently passed away and she wanted to do something to honor her. Domestic violence was a cause close to her friend's heart, and so she decided to give back to domestic violence organizations. 

When the abused leaves an abusive situation, they sometimes have to just grab what they can before they head out the door. That includes mismatched socks. They can be the ultimate sign of strength. Let's honor that strength! It takes so much courage to leave a situation like that. More information here.

And now you're here. At the best mismatched socks company on the planet. Welcome! We are based in Fayetteville, AR and located on the lovely Fayetteville Square. We love our town, our community, and wine. Not in that order. 

mismatched socks - Bisoxual


Yes, these are just socks. But…we think they will make you smile. They will keep your feet comfortable. They will allow you to help your neighbors. They will spark a conversation.

We hope you have a great Bisoxual experience! Everyone should have great sox, right? 


Jen Adair, Founder